Why Im Here Today
Why I’m Here Today | GaryVaynerchuk.com
There’s no question that the internet has changed our world. It’s been a “game changer” for humanity, and it’s been a “wizened up” society. But the problem is, most of you are just taking it for granted. You don’t realize that the same things that made you successful in business also make you successful in life. I’m not taking it for granted. In fact, I’m taking it very seriously. I’m trying to become the “CEO” of “the Internet” as much as I’m trying to be the “CEO” of “the Wine Library.” I’m trying to build the biggest wine store on the Internet. People think of me as a “internet guy” because of two things: (1) my experience in business. (2) my IQ. I’m a brilliant salesman and a great businessman. I’m not taking it for granted. I’m trying to become “CEO of the Wine Library” as much as I’m trying to be “CEO” of “the Internet” as much as I’m trying to be the “CEO” of “the Wine Library.” — Know someone who is crushing it in Bali? It would mean the world to me if you could share this with them.