The Best Advice to Build Wealth

The Best Advice to Build Wealth |

As many of you know, I’ve been a practitioner of what I call “real estate investing.” Basically, I’ve been buying up and developing real estate properties all across the country. I know a thing or two about building a real estate business, and I’ve done that for forty years. But the truth is, wealth building is an enormous time investment. Not only is it time consuming, but it’s also very “risky.” If you invest your money now, in a portfolio of properties, and then go out and sell them at a higher price later, you’ll have to first prove that you can sell the properties to somebody. Then you can go on the “offense” and start flipping them on the “offense.” If you want to know more, I do have a handy little guide that does this for you if you need some help. But it’s time to get back to reality. Wealth building shouldn’t be a whole lot different than real estate investing. We don’t need to be rich to do the real estate investing. Because of that, I’ve been putting a lot of emphasis on being a real estate investor not just in the Bay Area, but also in other locales. For example, in the Bay Area, I have a real estate agent agency that does a lot of business with international real estate companies. We do a lot of business with them. If you’re in the real estate business, you can take advantage of the fact that many international real estate agents work for companies like Grey Goose and charge a premium rate. If you’re a software developer, you can go on the “roader” and build for yourself an agency that handles the software development for international real estate companies. If you’re building for yourself, you can take advantage of the fact that I show every single client that I’m willing to build for them. You should be focusing on the properties and not the agents who are handling the business for you. Now, I’m not saying you should be putting your money into real estate. I’m saying you should be focusing on the agents and not the real estate companies. Wealth is not the only way to get the job done. There are a million other ways to do it. But in the end, make your investments, and you will see the results