1 Minute of Chatter to Kill a Day in the Life of a Small Business

1 Minute of Chatter to Kill: A Day in the Life of a Small Business | GaryVaynerchuk.com

It’s no question that the internet has changed our world. From the 1950s, when I started selling wines, to the early days of e-commerce, the internet has put us in a very interesting space. The biggest advantage that the internet has over anything else is that it puts us in control. The internet is just something we do, something we produce, and it becomes. For a person to jump into the conversation and ask the questions that I’ve talked about for this article is an incredible honor. As an entrepreneur, it presents an incredible opportunity for you to actually own the article and be the first to say something on the internet. Here’s the thing: if you’re not the first person to say something on the internet, you’re probably not going to get the attention. But, you should. Like, seriously. I’m not saying you shouldn’t get your startup’s name out there. Heck, I’m saying you shouldn’t get your startup’s name out there unless you’re the first person to say it. And even then, maybe once in a while. But you shouldn’t be the only one. Chatter is the new content. It’s old news. I think the best way to get over the fact that you only get one shot at this is to actually be the first to say something. I hope you enjoyed the article.